§ 10-74. Contents of independent spending reports.
Statutory reporting. Each independent spender shall include in each independent spending report the information identified in the Florida Election Code as part of the statutory reporting process as follows:
If an independent spender is a political committee required to file a statutory report with the division or the supervisor of elections pursuant to F.S. § 106.07, that independent spender shall also file a version of that report with the City Clerk that is limited to covered transactions.
If an independent spender is an electioneering communications organization required to file a statutory report with the division or the supervisor of elections pursuant to F.S. § 106.0703, that independent spender shall also file a version of that report with the City Clerk that is limited to covered transactions.
If an independent spender is required to file a statutory report with the division or the supervisor of elections pursuant to F.S. § 106.071, that independent spender shall also file a version of that report with the City Clerk that is limited to covered transactions.
Otherwise, the independent spender shall file with the City Clerk the statutory report required to be filed with the City Clerk by F.S. §§ 106.07, 106.0703, or 106.071, as applicable.
Bifurcated transactions. To the extent that any covered transaction filed with the City Clerk pursuant to subsection (a) is only partially applicable to a candidate or a ballot question, the independent spender shall identify what percentage of the covered transaction is applicable to the applicable candidate or a ballot question.
Supplemental information regarding contributions. For each contribution filed with the City Clerk pursuant to subsection (a), the independent spending report must also include the following information about that contribution:
If the contributor is an entity, the name of an individual serving as president, managing member, or CEO or who otherwise exercises control over the entity, along with the name of that individual's position or a description of that individual's role in controlling the entity.
If the contributor's aggregate contributions to the independent spender over the preceding 12 months exceeds $5,000.00, the information listed in section 10-72(d) with respect to that contributor.
If the contributor is an entity and the contributor's aggregate contributions to the independent spender over the preceding 12 months exceeds $5,000.00, the information listed in section 10-72(e) with respect to that contributor.
Certification. The person filing an independent spending report with the City Clerk shall certify the correctness of all information contained in that independent spending report in the same manner as the applicable statutory report described in subsection (a). To the fullest extent possible under applicable law, this certification is deemed to be an oath or affirmation in connection with and arising out of an election pursuant to F.S. § 104.011.
(Ord. No. 306-H, § 4, 11-9-2017)