Site plan specifications requirements:
Site plan specifications
Location map showing section, township, range, City and county Date of initial site plan including dates of revisions North arrow Site data table: Zoning Cite whether located in a HP District, NDR district or CRA Site area (existing and proposed in sf and acres) Gross floor area (existing and proposed) Floor area ratio (existing and proposed) Impervious surface area (existing and proposed in sf and percent of total site area) Vehicle use area (existing and proposed in sf and percent of total site area) Sidewalk area (existing and proposed in sf and percent of total site area) Building area (existing and proposed in sf and percent of total site area) Open space area (existing and proposed in sf and percent of total site area) Number of parking spaces required Number of parking spaces proposed Standard spaces (existing and proposed) Accessible spaces (existing and proposed) Compact spaces (existing and proposed) Density Number of dwelling units Dwelling units per acre Average sq. ft. per dwelling unit Number of units by bedroom Whether the site is in a neighborhood design review district Whether the site is in a community redevelopment area Whether the site is in a coastal high hazard area Whether the site is in a flood zone area Whether the site is in an archaeological area B.
Existing features shall be shown on all site plan applications:
Existing Features
Property lines and lot dimensions Location, name and dimensions of all roadways and alleys abutting the subject property including intersections, medians, acceleration, deceleration and turning lanes Location and dimensions of all sidewalks and driveway aprons abutting the subject property Location, dimensions and description of all easements Location of all waterways, lakes, preservation areas or other physical features in or abutting the subject property Location of all overhead power lines in or abutting the subject property Location of adjacent public transportation stops C.
Buildings and structures shall be shown on all site plan applications:
Buildings and Structures Main buildings and structures
Location and setback dimensions to property lines Building dimensions, including a dotted line denoting overhangs Label identifying land use and gross floor area Accessory buildings and structures
Location and setback dimensions to property lines Building dimensions, including a dotted line denoting overhangs Label identifying type and land use, including gross floor area where applicable Shopping cart corral locations depicted and accounted for in parking calculations Solid waste containers
Location and detail of solid waste container Detail should include proposed elevations, dimensions and materials Mechanical equipment
Location of all HVAC equipment, backflow preventers, water meters, generators, transformer boxes and speaker boxes, etc. Fences and walls
Location and detail of fences, walls or retaining walls Detail should include proposed elevations, dimensions and materials Outdoor lighting
Location and type of light standards Information should show proper shielding to prevent sideways glare at property lines Signage
Location of freestanding signs D.
Off-street parking and loading shall be shown on all site plan applications with offstreet parking or loading:
Off-Street Parking and Loading
Location and label identifying type of traffic control devices including stop bars and signs (stop, one-way, do not enter, right/left turn only, etc.) Parking spaces delineated by striping Parking dimensions including angle, width and length of stalls Label all compact parking, employee parking, or parking with special designations Parking with special designations should be signed accordingly Location of all accessible parking delineated by required striping Detail of accessible parking that includes striping plan and signage ADA accessible route from disabled parking spaces to building entry with ramp slopes and spot elevations of landings Wheel stops at the closed end of parking stalls abutting sidewalks or planting areas Curbing along drive aisles, terminal and interior landscape islands Location of loading space or zone Location and label identifying bicycle parking Location of sidewalks and pedestrian walkways Safe and convenient access within the site ADA accessible route from building entry to public sidewalk in rights-of-way with ramp slopes and spot elevations of landings Detectable warning surfaces should be shown E.
Landscaping and irrigation shall be shown on all site plan applications with landscaping or greenyard:
Landscaping and Irrigation
Landscaping - All trees on the site and within ten feet of the site shall be shown and shall include the diameter at breast height and species. Landscape table: Plant selection by scientific (genius and species) and common name Plant size and spacing (height and diameter at breast height (dbh)) Plant quantity Specimen tree calculations including total inches of existing and total inches of preserved Details for planting, staking and tree barricades General notes inc. tree protection guidelines, mulch requirements, fertilization and installation instructions Green yard landscaping (along public rights-of-way) Green yard landscaping (along interior property lines) Foundation landscaping on all sides of the proposed building Perimeter parking lot landscaping Terminal landscape islands Interior landscape islands Depiction by shading or crosshatching of required parking lot interior landscape areas The total area of terminal and interior landscape islands shall be provided in sq. ft. and as a percentage of the total vehicle use area. Divider medians Screening of adjacent residential uses Screening of fences, walls and enclosures for solid waste containers Screening of mechanical equipment Irrigation Location of irrigation system Location and description of automatic irrigation timer Location and description of rain sensor device General notes including irrigation rates for each of the individual water zones (high-demand and low-demand), mechanical information and the requirement for sod to be irrigated on separate zones from those areas with reduced water demands
(Code 1992, § 16.90.010; Ord. No. 195-H, § 3, 9-17-2015)