§ Matrix: Use permissions and parking requirements matrix and zoning matrix.  

Latest version.
    LEGEND: P = Permitted; SE = Special Exception; G = Grandfathered; NC = Nonconforming; A = Accessory "Sf gfa" refers to gross floor area unless otherwise indicated.
    NT-1 + NT-2: Neighborhood Traditional Single-family
    NT-3: Neighborhood Traditional Single-family
    NT-4: Neighborhood Traditional Mixed Use
    NS-E: Neighborhood Suburban Estate
    NS-1 + NS-2: Neighborhood Suburban
    NSM-1 + NSM-2: Neighborhood Suburban Multi-Family
    NMH: Neighborhood Suburban Mobile Home
    NPUD-1 + NPUD-3: Neighborhood Planned Unit Development
    NPUD-2: Neighborhood Planned Unit Development
    CRT-1: Corridor Residential Traditional
    CRT-2: Corridor Residential Traditional
    CRS-1: Corridor Residential Suburban
    CRS-2: Corridor Residential Suburban
    CCT-1: Corridor Commercial Traditional
    CCT-2: Corridor Commercial Traditional
    CCS-1: Corridor Commercial Suburban
    CCS-2: Corridor Commercial Suburban
    CCS-3: Corridor Commercial Suburban
    DC-C: Downtown Core
    DC-1: Downtown Center
    DC-2: Downtown Center
    DC-3: Downtown Center (Waterfront)
    DC-P: Downtown Center Park
    RC-1: Retail Center
    RC-2 and RC-3: Retail Center
    EC-1: Employment Center
    EC-2: Employment Center
    IC: Institutional Center (CRD)
    IC: Institutional Center (I)
    IC: Institutional Center (R/OG)
    IC: Institutional Center (T/U)
    IT: Industrial Traditional
    IS: Industrial Suburban
    LBCS Function
    LBCS Structure
    Minimum Parking Spaces, Traditional Tier
    (NT, CRT, CCT-1, IT)
    Minimum Parking Spaces, Suburban Tier
    (NS, NSM, NMH, NPUD, CRS, CCS, RC, EC-1, IC, IS)
    Downtown (DC, CCT-2, EC-2)
    Accessory Use and Structure P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P see specific use see specific use see specific use Uses or structures which are customarily subordinate or incidental to the lawful principal use of a building or premises. These uses are not required to be a 'permitted' use in the zoning district.
    Adaptive Reuse P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P see specific use see specific use see specific use Conversion of certain existing structures or properties which are, or are at risk of, becoming vacant, under-utilized, or demolished to an economically sustainable uses. (see Use Specific Development Standards)
    Family day care home A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A G G G G NC G G G G G G G NC G G no additional parking required no additional parking required no additional parking required Any occupied residence in which child care is regularly provided for five or less children from at least two unrelated families and which receives a payment, fee or grant for any of the children receiving care, whether or not operated for profit.
    Home Occupation P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P NC P P P P P P P NC NC NC none none none A licensed business conducted from within a lawful dwelling unit according to the applicable use restrictions set forth in this Chapter. (See Use Specific Development Standards)
    Redevelopment of Grandfathered Uses G G G G G G G G G P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P see specific use see specific use see specific use (See Application and Procedures Section)
    Large Tract Planned
    SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE NC NC NC NC NC SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE (See Use Specific Development Standards)
    Accessory, Dwelling Unit P G P P G G G P P P P P P P P G G G G G P G NC G G G G G G G NC NC NC 1100 1130 1 space for units with up to 2 bedrooms; plus 0.5 for each additional bedroom 1 space for units with up to 2 bedrooms; plus 0.5 for each additional bedroom 1 space for units with up to 2 bedrooms; plus 0.5 for each additional bedroom An independently functioning dwelling unit which is an accessory use to the principal dwelling unit on the same lot and which has a separate kitchen. These uses are sometimes referred to as "garage apartments," "granny flats," or "carriage houses." (See Use Specific Development Standards).
    Accessory, Living Space P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P G G G G G P G NC G G G G G G G NC NC NC 1100 1130 Shall be interpreted as 1 bedroom when calculating parking for "dwelling, single-family." Two bedrooms shall count as 2 bedrooms. Shall be interpreted as 1 bedroom when calculating parking for "dwelling, single-family." Two bedrooms shall count as 2 bedrooms. Shall be interpreted as 1 bedroom when calculating parking for "dwelling, single-family." Two bedrooms shall count as 2 bedrooms. Additional living space which is separated from the principal residence which does not function as an independent dwelling unit and which utilizes the same cooking facilities, street address and utility meter as the principal residence. (See Use Specific Development Standards)
    Accessory Dwelling Unit, Owner/Manager NC NC NC NC NC P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P NC P P P P P P P P P P 1 space for units with up to 2 bedrooms; plus 0.5 for each additional bedroom 1 space for units with up to 2 bedrooms; plus 0.5 for each additional bedroom 1 space for units with up to 2 bedrooms; plus 0.5 for each additional bedroom No more than one on-premises dwelling unit for occupancy by the owner, lessor, manager, watchman, or custodian in connection with the operation of any permitted or permissible use.
    Accessory Artist in Residence NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC A A A A A A A A A A A A A NC A A A A A A A A A A 1 space per unit 1 space per unit 1 space per unit Dwelling space that is accessory to a museum, galley, art production facility or other art facility where an artist resides for a short period of time as a result of a relationship with the art facility involving a special exhibition, project oversight, educational endeavors, etc. No more than 10% of the gross floor area of any art facility shall be utilized for this use. This is not a dwelling unit, but an accessory use to assist with the artistic endeavor.
    Assisted Living Facility G G G G G P G SE SE P P P P P P P P NC SE SE SE SE NC P P NC SE SE SE SE NC NC NC 2 spaces, plus 1 per 4 beds 2 spaces, plus 1 per 4 beds 2 spaces, plus 1 per 4 beds An establishment providing a place of residence with common, centralized eating and activity facilities, in which the residences consist of individual rooms or quarters occupied by one or two persons with or without individual cooking facilities. These uses are commonly referred to as "Retirement Homes." (See F.S. § 429)
    Residential Home,
    1 to 6 residents
    P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P NC P P P P P P P NC NC NC 6232 2 spaces up to 3 bedrooms, plus 0.5 for each additional bedroom 2 spaces up to 3 bedrooms, plus 0.5 for each additional bedroom 2 spaces up to 3 bedrooms, plus 0.5 for each additional bedroom A dwelling unit licensed as a community residential home (See Chapter 419, F.S.), which provides a home for six or fewer unrelated residents (as defined in Chapter 419, F.S.) who operate as the functional equivalent of a family, including such supervision and care by supportive staff as may be necessary to meet the physical, emotional, and social needs of the residents. (See Use Specific Development Standards)
    Residential Home,
    7 to 14 residents
    G G G G G P SE P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P NC P P P SE SE SE SE NC NC NC 6232 2 spaces, plus 1 per 3 residents 2 spaces, plus 1 per 3 residents 2 spaces, plus 1 per 3 residents A dwelling unit licensed as a community residential home (See Chapter 419, F.S.), which provides a living environment for seven to 14 unrelated residents (as defined in Chapter 419, F.S.) who operate as the functional equivalent of a family, including such supervision and care by supportive staff as may be necessary to meet the physical, emotional, and social needs of the residents. (See Use Specific Development Standards)
    Residential Home,
    more than 14
    NC NC NC NC NC SE NC SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE NC SE SE SE SE SE SE SE NC NC NC 2 spaces, plus 1 per 3 residents; Loading area required 2 spaces, plus 1 per 3 residents; Loading area required 2 spaces, plus 1 per 3 residents; Loading area required A dwelling unit licensed as a community residential home (See Chapter 419, F.S.), which provides a living environment for more than 14 unrelated residents (as defined in Chapter 419, F.S.) who operate as the functional equivalent of a family, including such supervision and care by supportive staff as may be necessary to meet the physical, emotional, and social needs of the residents. (See Use Specific Development Standards)
    Dormitory NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC P P P P NC NC NC NC P A A A NC NC NC 1 per unit up to 2 bedrooms, plus 0.5 for each additional bedroom; Loading area required for more than 5 units 1.5 per unit up to 2 bedrooms, plus 0.5 for each additional bedroom; Loading area required for more than 5 units 1 per unit; Loading area required for more than 5 units A building or group of buildings designed to provide sleeping accommodations, but not individual cooking facilities, for unrelated persons who are registered students at a post secondary school on a seasonal or year-round basis, and is managed by the institution at which the students are registered.
    Dwelling, Single-Family P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P G G G G NC G G G G G G G NC G G 1100 1110 2 spaces up to 3 bedrooms, plus 0.5 for each additional bedroom 2 spaces up to 3 bedrooms, plus 0.5 for each additional bedroom 2 spaces up to 3 bedrooms, plus 0.5 for each additional bedroom A detached residence designed for or occupied exclusively by one family. This term shall include "Modular" structures assembled in a factory, transported to the site, and which comply with the applicable building codes but which are not mobile homes.
    Dwelling, Live/Work NC NC P NC NC NC NC NC NC P P P P P P P P P P P P P NC P P SE P SE SE SE NC NC NC use detached single-family dwelling standard for residential and required ratio for gfa of nonresidential use use detached single-family dwelling standard for residential and required ratio for gfa of nonresidential use use multi-family dwelling standard for residential and required ratio for gfa of nonresidential use An establishment that includes a dwelling unit and an area for nonresidential use by the residents. The nonresidential use must meet the requirements of the zoning district. The uses shall have shared connections and amenities. The nonresidential use may have employees.
    G G G G G P G P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P NC P P G P A A A NC G NC 1100 1200 1 per unit up to 2 bedrooms, plus 0.5 for each additional bedroom; Loading area required for more than 5 units 1.5 per unit up to 2 bedrooms, plus 0.5 for each additional bedroom; Loading area required for more than 5 units 1 per unit; Loading area required for more than 5 units A building designed for or occupied by two or more families (on the basis of monthly, or longer occupancies, or ownership of individual units) with separate cooking, bathroom and sleeping facilities for each unit. Motels, hotels, and other transient accommodation uses are not multiple-family dwellings. Accessory uses include clubhouses, recreational and laundry facilities. Minimum gross floor area shall be, for an efficiency/studio unit - 375 sf; one bedroom unit - 500 sf; two bedroom unit - 750 sf; for dwelling units with more than two bedrooms, an additional 200 sf for each additional bedroom.
    Mobile Home NC NC NC NC NC G P NC G NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC 1100 1150 not applicable (nonconforming) 2 per dwelling unit not applicable (nonconforming) A dwelling unit constructed in a factory before June 15, 1976, or constructed after June 15, 1976 in compliance with the federal Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards (the HUD code) for manufactured homes. Mobile homes are not self-propelled.
    Bed and Breakfast SE SE P NC NC NC NC SE SE P P P P P P P P P P P P P NC P P NC P NC NC NC NC NC NC 1310 721191 2 spaces for owner/manager's bedroom, plus 1 per additional bedroom 2 spaces for owner/manager's bedroom, plus 1 per additional bedroom 2 spaces for owner/manager's bedroom, plus 1 per additional bedroom A building of a residential character other than a hotel, motel or other transient accommodations which provides daily overnight accommodation and morning meal services to transients in return for payment. (See Use Specific Development Standards)
    Kennel NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC P P 1 per 400 sf gfa 1 per 300 sf gfa not applicable (nonconforming) An establishment for the keeping of more than five adult dogs or 10 adult cats on site for longer than 24 hours. A combination of dogs and cats may be kept on site with cats being permitted on a two to one ratio with dogs but the total amount of dogs and cats shall not exceed the equivalent of the maximum number of dogs. "Adult" means having attained the age of one calendar year or greater.
    Hotel NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC G G G G P P P P P P P P P NC P P P P SE NC NC NC NC P 1300 1330 7211 1 per room; Passenger loading area required 1 per room; Passenger loading area required 1 per 4 rooms; Passenger loading area required Establishments providing transient accommodation units available for the accommodation of persons more than three times in any consecutive 365-day period, each for a term less than monthly, in which meals may or may not be provided, and in which principal access to all transient accommodation units is through an inside lobby or office supervised by a person in charge at all hours. The term includes, but is not limited to, transient accommodation units, without regard to whether such units are available on a rental basis or by other forms of agreement or property ownership. Hotels may include internal restaurant and accessory commercial uses for guests, fitness facilities, swimming pools, or shuttle services between hotels, airports, or other destination points.
    Motel NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC G G G NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC 1300 1330 7211 1 per unit 1 per unit 1 per unit Establishments providing transient accommodation units are available for the accommodation of persons more than three times in any consecutive 365-day period, each for a term less than monthly, in which a majority of the units have direct entrances from the outside, and in which parking spaces are oriented to the units in such a manner as to facilitate direct access from such units to the automobiles of the occupants. The term includes, but is not limited to, transient accommodation units, without regard to whether such units are available on a rental basis or by other forms of agreement or property ownership.
    Nursing Home G G G G G P G G G P P P P P P P P NC SE SE SE SE NC P P NC SE SE SE SE NC NC NC 1220—
    6231 1 per 3 beds 1 per 2 beds 1 per 4 beds An establishment that provides, for a period exceeding 24-hours, nursing care, personal care, or custodial care for persons not related to the owner or manager by blood or marriage, who by reason of illness, physical infirmity, or advanced age require such services, but shall not include any place providing care and treatment primarily for the acutely ill.
    Pet Care Indoor NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC P NC P P P P P P P P P P NC P P P SE NC NC NC NC P P 1 per 300 sf gfa 1 per 200 sf gfa 1 per 500 sf gfa Establishments providing individual and personal service functions for pets, including pet day care services for a period of time not to exceed 24 hours. There shall be no outdoor areas for pet use.
    Pet Care Indoor/Outdoor NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC P P 1 per 300 sf gfa 1 per 200 sf gfa 1 per 500 sf gfa Establishments providing individual and personal service functions for pets, including pet day care services for a period of time not to exceed 24 hours. Outdoor areas for pet use are allowed.
    Bank without Drive-Thru NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC P NC NC NC P P P P P P P P P NC P P A P A NC NC NC NC P 2200—
    2100 4120 1 per 300 sf gfa 1 per 200 sf gfa 1 per 500 sf gfa Establishments providing financial services including check cashing, receiving, lending, and safeguarding of money and other valuable items.
    Bank with Drive-Thru NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC SE NC P NC SE SE P P P SE SE NC NC NC P P A NC A NC NC NC G G 2200—
    2100 4120 1 per 300 sf gfa 1 per 200 sf gfa 1 per 500 sf gfa Establishments providing financial services including check cashing, receiving, lending, and safeguarding of money and other valuable items with a drive-thru facility. The drive-thru facility is subject to the Use Specific Development Standards.
    Brewery NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC G G G G SE NC NC G P G 1 per 1,000 sf gfa 1 per 500 sf gfa 1 per 1,000 sf gfa Establishments that are primarily a brewery, which produce more than 15,000 barrels (465,000 US gallons/17,602.16 hectoliters) per year. A regional (small) brewery typically has an annual beer production of between 15,000 and 6,000,000 barrels. A large brewery typically has an annual beer production of more than 6,000,000 barrels. (See Use Specific Development Standards)
    G G P G G G G G G A P G P G P G G G G G P G NC G G G P G G G G G G 1 per 600 sf gfa; the first 1,200 sf gfa is exempt from the minimum parking requirements 1 per 200 sf 1 per 600 sf gfa; the first 1,200 sf gfa is exempt from the minimum parking requirement Establishments serving and selling food prepared on the premises, or beverages, which are generally intended for immediate on- or off-site consumption. This use shall be located within a completely enclosed building and limited to the first floor of an existing building which was originally constructed for a commercial use. If an existing building was not originally constructed for a commercial use or is a new building, the maximum gfa for each such use in the building shall be 1,200 sf in "Traditional" districts and 2,400 sf in "Suburban" and "Downtown" districts, and the gfa of all such uses shall not exceed 25% of any building. When located within the Central Avenue Corridor Activity Center, this land-use type shall only be allowed as an accessory use not to cumulatively exceed 50% of the gross floor area for the first floor and 25% of the
    gross floor area for all buildings. Accessory outdoor dining is regulated within this Matrix as "Restaurant and Bar, Accessory Outdoor Area."
    Car Wash and
    NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC G G SE SE A G G G G NC SE SE NC NC NC NC NC NC A P 2593 811192 1 for each self-service wash bay or vacuum stall; 1 per 300 sf gfa of retail or office space; 5 stacking spaces per full-service or automated tunnel 1 for each self-service wash bay or vacuum stall; 1 per 300 sf gfa of retail or office space; 5 stacking spaces per full-service or automated tunnel 1 for each self-service wash bay or vacuum stall; 1 per 300 sf gfa of retail or office space; 5 stacking spaces per full-service or automated tunnel Establishments providing full- or self-service washing and detailing for motor vehicles and domestic equipment. Retail sale of automotive products is permitted as an accessory use. (See Use Specific Development Standard)
    Catering Service/
    Food Service
    72232 1 per 300 sf gfa; Loading area required 1 per 200 sf gfa; Loading area required 1 per 500 sf gfa; Loading area required Establishments providing prearranged on- or off-site meal preparation and delivery services for off-site consumption at a lawful principal use. This term shall not include Restaurants and Bars which may perform these activities.
    Facility or
    Use with a
    no additional parking required; see standard for principal use; see stacking standards under use restrictions no additional parking required; see standard for principal use; see stacking standards under use restrictions no additional parking required; see standard for principal use; see stacking standards under use restrictions An accessory use to a lawful business establishment, such as a fast food restaurant, designed to enable customers in parked vehicles to transact business with persons inside of the principal building, subject to the applicable use restrictions set forth in this Chapter. Bank drive-thrus are regulated separately as "Bank with Drive-Thru." (See Use Specific Development Standard)
    Drug Store or Pharmacy NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC P P P P P P P P P NC P P A A A A NC NC A A 2161 1 per 300 sf gfa 1 per 200 sf gfa 1 per 500 sf gfa Establishments providing retail sale of prescription or nonprescription drugs, as well as medical, healthcare and other personal products. Uses involving drive-thru facilities shall be subject to the applicable use restrictions.
    Gas or fueling station NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC SE G P P P G G G G NC SE SE A NC NC NC NC NC NC A 1 per 300 sf gfa (spaces adjacent to fuel pumps not included); Loading area required 1 per 200 sf gfa (spaces adjacent to fuel pumps not included); Loading area required 1 per 500 sf gfa (spaces adjacent to fuel pumps not included); Loading area required Establishments that sell automotive fuels including, but not limited to, diesel fuel, gasoline, gasohol and ethanol. These establishments are typically composed of gas or fuel pumps, an overhead canopy and attendant shelter. These establishments may be provided in combination with other uses if allowed in the zoning district and shall comply with all applicable Use Specific Development Standards. For example, convenience stores or food marts shall be reviewed as "retail sales and service," automobile repair shall be reviewed as "motor vehicle service and repair," and an automated or manual car wash shall be reviewed as "car wash and detailing."
    Indoor Urban
    Vehicle Sales
    NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC P P P P NC P P NC NC NC P P NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC 1 per 300 sf gfa 1 per 200 sf gfa 1 per 500 sf gfa Establishments engaged in selling motor vehicles where the majority of the sales and display area exist inside of a completely enclosed building and no more then 1 car or 4 scooters is displayed outdoors.
    Microbrewery NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC G G G G SE SE P P P SE SE SE NC NC P P A P A P NC NC P P 1 per 1,000 sf gfa; Additional parking based on type of accessory use 1 per 500 sf gfa; Additional parking based on type of accessory use 1 per 1,000 sf gfa; Additional parking based on type of accessory use Establishments that are primarily a brewery, which produce no more than 15,000 barrels (465,000 US gallons/17,602.16 hectoliters) of beer per year. Microbreweries sell to the general public by one or more of the following methods: the traditional three-tier system (brewer to wholesaler to retailer to consumer); the two-tier system (brewer acting as wholesaler to retailer to consumer); and, directly to the consumer for consumption on the premises or for retail carryout sale. (See Use Specific Development Standards)
    Mixed Use (Mixture of Permitted and Accessory Uses.) G / NC G / NC P G / NC G / NC G / NC G / NC NC NC P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P 2300 See standards for each specific use; See shared parking standards under use restrictions See standards for each specific use; See shared parking standards under use restrictions See standards for each specific use; See shared parking standards under use restrictions Establishments with two or more different uses on the same site. This term shall not include developments with one accessory dwelling unit, a live/work dwelling or a home occupation. Whether a mixed use is grandfathered or nonconforming is determined based on the status of the specific use in the zoning district. (See Use Specific Development Standard)
    Motor Vehicle Service and Repair NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC G G P P NC NC NC NC NC NC G G G NC P NC NC SE P SE 2110 2280 811 1 per 200 sf gfa including indoor repair bays 1 per 200 sf gfa including indoor repair bays not applicable (nonconforming) Establishments providing service and repair of light-duty domestic motor vehicles, vehicles, boats and/or watercraft. (See Use Specific Development Standards)
    Office, General G G P G G G G G G P P P P P P P P P P P P P A P P P P P G P A A A 1 per 400 sf gfa 1 per 300 sf gfa 1 per 500 sf gfa Establishments where persons conduct business or carry on stated occupations. The term includes administrative, business and professional offices (including mental health counseling or treatment), radio and television studios, and governmental offices. The term does not include medical or dental offices.
    Office, Medical G G G G G G G G G P P P P P P P P P P P P P NC P P P P SE P P NC G G 1 per 300 sf gfa 1 per 200 sf gfa 1 per 500 sf gfa Establishments where persons perform routine medical or dental examinations, treatments and procedures as outpatient services.
    Office, Temporary Labor (Day Labor) NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC SE NC NC NC NC NC P P 56132 1 per 200 sf gfa not applicable (nonconforming) not applicable (nonconforming) Establishments where prospective employees gather to seek temporary construction or industrial labor positions, or similar positions of temporary employment.
    Office, Veterinary G G G G G G G G G P P P P P P P P P P P P P NC P P P SE SE P P NC P P 2418 54194 1 per 300 sf gfa; see kennel requirements, if applicable 1 per 200 sf gfa; see kennel requirements, if applicable 1 per 500 sf gfa; see kennel requirements, if applicable Establishments with licensed practitioners of veterinary medicine, dentistry, or surgery for animals, including establishments providing testing services for licensed veterinary practitioners. (See Use Specific Development Standards)
    Outdoor Sales,
    Accessory Use
    NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC G G G G P P P P P G G G NC NC P P P NC NC NC NC NC P P 1 per 300 sf gfa 1 per 200 sf gfa 1 per 500 sf gfa Areas of private property outside of completely enclosed buildings used to display goods for sale to the general public accessory to a lawful retail sales and service use. (See Use Specific Development Standards)
    Outdoor Sales,
    Accessory Use
    Garden Oriented
    NC NC P NC NC NC NC NC NC G G G P P P P P P P P P NC NC P P NC NC NC NC NC NC P G See Use Specific Development Standards See Use Specific Development Standards See Use Specific Development Standards Areas of private property outside of completely enclosed buildings used to display garden oriented goods for sale to the general public accessory to a lawful retail sales and service use. (See Use Specific Development Standards)
    Outdoor Sales,
    Principal Use
    Outdoor Oriented
    NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC G G G G NC NC P P P NC NC NC NC NC SE SE NC NC P NC NC NC A G 1 per 300 sf gfa 1 per 200 sf gfa 1 per 500 sf gfa Establishments selling outdoor oriented goods where the majority of the sales and display area exists outside of a completely enclosed building such as for sales of vehicles, boats, pools, spas, etc. (See Use Specific Development Standards)
    Outdoor Sales,
    Principal Use
    Garden Oriented
    NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC G G G G P P P P P NC NC P NC NC SE SE NC NC NC NC NC NC G G 1 per 400 sf gfa of office; 1 per 1,500 sf gfa of indoor or outdoor sales and display or storage area; Cargo loading area required 1 per 400 sf gfa of office; 1 per 1,500 sf gfa of indoor or outdoor sales and display or storage area; Cargo loading area required 1 per 400 sf gfa of office; 1 per 1,500 sf gfa of indoor or outdoor sales and display or storage area; Cargo loading area required Establishments selling primarily garden oriented goods where the majority of the sales and display area exists outside a completely enclosed building. (See Use Specific Development Standards)
    Outdoor Storage,
    NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC P NC NC P P P 1 per 300 sf gfa 1 per 200 sf gfa 1 per 500 sf gfa Areas of private property where materials and equipment are stored outside of a completely enclosed building in the same place for more than 24 hours, and where the outdoor storage use is accessory to a lawful principal commercial use. (See Use Specific Development Standards)
    Restaurant and Bar, Brewpub G G G G G G G G G G SE G G P P P P P P P A P NC P P A P A P NC NC A A 1 per 150 sf gfa 1 per 150 sf gfa 1 per 500 sf gfa Establishments that are primarily a restaurant and bar, but which include the brewing of beer as an accessory use. A brew pub produces only enough beer for consumption on the premises or for retail carryout sale in containers commonly referred to as growlers. (See Use Specific Development Standards)
    Restaurant and Bar, Indoor G G P G G G G G G G P G G P P P P P P P P P NC P P A P A P A NC A A 2500 2220 1 per 150 sf gfa 1 per 150 sf gfa 1 per 500 sf gfa Establishments serving or selling food prepared on the premises, or beverages, which are generally intended for immediate on- or off-site consumption.
    and Bar,
    Outdoor Area
    G G A G G G G G G G A G G A A A A A A A A A NC A A A A A A A NC A A no additional parking required no additional parking required no additional parking required An unenclosed outdoor area for eating, drinking and socializing that is an accessory use to a "Restaurant and Bar, Indoor." This is different from a "Restaurant and Bar, Indoor and Outdoor." (See Use Specific Development Standards)
    Restaurant and Bar, Indoor and Outdoor G G G G G G G G G G SE G G P P P P P P P A P NC P P A P A P NC NC A A 1 per 150 sf gfa 1 per 150 sf gfa 1 per 500 sf gfa Establishments serving or selling food prepared on the premises, or beverages, which are generally intended for immediate on- or off-site consumption. This includes an outdoor area for eating, drinking and socializing.(See Use Specific Development Standards)
    Retail Sales and Service G G G G G G G G G G G G G P P P P P P P P P NC P P A A A A A A A A 2115
    44—45 1 per 300 sf gfa 1 per 200 sf gfa 1 per 500 sf gfa Establishments selling goods to the general public, businesses and institutions for professional, personal and household consumption. Establishments may provide after-sales services, such as repair and installation, which are incidental to the sale of such goods. The display of merchandise and all retail and service transactions shall be conducted within a completely enclosed building(s). (See Use Specific Development Standards)
    G G P G G G G G G A P G P G P G G G G G P G NC G G G A G G G G G G 1 per 600 sf gfa; the first 1,200 sf gfa is exempt from the minimum parking requirements 1 per 200 sf 1 per 600 sf gfa; the first 1,200 sf gfa is exempt from the minimum parking requirement Establishments selling goods stored within completely enclosed buildings to the general public only on the first floor of an existing building which was originally constructed for a commercial use. If an existing building was not originally constructed for a commercial use or is a new building, the maximum gfa for each such use in the building shall be 1,200 sf in "Traditional" districts and 2,400 sf in "Suburban" and "Downtown" districts, and the gfa of all such uses shall not exceed 25% of any building. When located within the Central Avenue Corridor Activity Center, this land-use type shall only be allowed as an accessory use not to cumulatively exceed 50% of the gross floor area for the first floor and 25% of the gross floor area for all buildings.
    G G G G G G G G G G G G G P P P P P P P P P NC P P A A A NC NC A A P 1 per 300 sf gfa 1 per 200 sf gfa 1 per 500 sf gfa Establishments for servicing, repairing, or installing tangible personal property or providing personal services including, but not limited to, the following: self service laundromat, dry cleaning, catering, tattoo parlors, and body piercing studios; services and repair of radios, televisions, computers and related equipment, and sound reproduction systems; locksmith shops; and small appliance service or repair shops. The term also includes office services and personal services, which are defined in this section.
    NC NC NC NC NC G G NC NC G G G G G G P P NC NC NC NC NC NC P P P NC A NC NC G P P 2116 2270 1 per 400 sf gfa in addition to on-site parking for fleet vehicles 1 per 300 sf gfa in addition to on-site parking for fleet vehicles 1 per 500 sf gfa in addition to on-site parking for fleet vehicles Establishments using one or more light commercial or fleet vehicles to provide primarily off-site/mobile services including, but not limited to, pest control, cable television, plumbing, irrigation, electrical, air conditioning, lawn care, mobile detailing, tree service, locksmith, taxi, and limousine services.
    Service, Office G G G G G G G G G P P P P P P P P P P P P P NC P P P A P G G NC A P 2100 1 per 300 sf gfa 1 per 200 sf gfa 1 per 500 sf gfa Establishments providing support services for the operational needs of office uses including, but not limited to, shipping, facsimile transmission, copying and printing services, and the sale or rental of office supplies, equipment or furniture or combination thereof. The term does not include temporary labor offices. (See Use Specific Development Standards)
    Service, Personal G G G G G G G G G P P P P P P P P P P P P P NC P P A A A G A NC G A 2600 8121 1 per 300 sf gfa 1 per 200 sf gfa 1 per 500 sf gfa Establishments providing individual and personal service functions including, but not limited to, functions such as hair and beauty care facilities, nail and tanning salons, day spas, licensed massage establishments, dry cleaning and laundry service (collection and distribution only), shoe shine and repair, dressmaking, tailoring and garment repair shops. The term shall not include tattoo parlors or body piercing studios. (See Use Specific Development Standards)
    Studio G G P G G G G G G P P P P P P P P P P P P P NC P P A A P A A NC P G 5160 1 per 500 sf gfa 1 per 300 sf gfa 1 per 1,000 sf gfa Establishments used for the production or teaching of art, writing, dance, theater, or similar endeavors of an artistic or creative nature, or sports and recreational endeavors such as martial arts.
    NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC* P P NC NC NC NC NC NC G G G G G G G NC P P 7000 23 1 per 2,000 sf gfa 1 per 1,500 sf gfa not applicable (nonconforming) Establishments involved in construction of new buildings, additions, alterations, reconstruction, installation, repairs, demolition, blasting, test drilling, landfilling, leveling, dredging, earthmoving, excavating, land drainage, and other land preparation and development. Accessory office space and outdoor storage is allowed. (See Use Specific Development Standards) * Construction Establishments located within the Downtown Industrial Park (DIP) Redevelopment Plan boundary shall be allowed by Special Exception (SE).
    Laboratories and Research and Development NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE NC P P SE NC NC P P P P P P SE NC P P 6513 2615 54138
    1 per 1,000 sf gfa 1 per 500 sf gfa 1 per 1,000 sf gfa Establishments engaged in (1) testing and analysis of products, materials or biological organisms; (2) investigation of natural, physical, or social sciences; or (3) engineering and development as an extension of investigation, with the objective of creating an end product. No manufacturing is conducted on the premises except for experimental or testing purposes.
    Manufacturing - Light, Assembly and Processing NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC P P NC NC SE SE SE NC G G P SE SE NC NC G P P 2610 1 per 1,000 sf gfa 1 per 500 sf gfa 1 per 1,000 sf gfa Establishments engaged in the manufacture (predominantly from previously prepared materials) of finished products or parts, including processing, fabrication, assembly, treatment, packaging, storage, sales and distribution of such products with no outdoor storage or processing of equipment or materials of any kind.
    Manufacturing - Heavy NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC G G G NC SE NC NC G P G 1 per 1,000 sf gfa 1 per 500 sf gfa 1 per 1,000 sf gfa Establishments engaged in the manufacture, processing or assembly of materials or substances into parts or products. Such use may include the outdoor storage and processing of materials and equipment.
    Outdoor Storage, Principal Use NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC P NC NC SE P SE 1 per 5,000 sf of outdoor storage area 1 per 5,000 sf of outdoor storage area not applicable (nonconforming) Areas on private property where materials and equipment are stored outside of a completely enclosed building in the same place for more than 24 hours. (See Use Specific Development Standards)
    Outdoor Storage, Accessory Industrial NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC P NC NC NC NC SE P P 1 per 2,000 sf gfa 1 per 2,000 sf gfa not applicable (nonconforming) Areas on private property where materials and equipment are stored outside of a completely enclosed building in the same place for more than 24 hours, and where the outdoor storage use is accessory to a lawful principal industrial use. (See Use Specific Development Standards)
    Publishing and
    5111 1 per 1,000 sf gfa 1 per 1,000 sf gfa 1 per 1,000 sf gfa Establishments that print books, newspapers or other printed materials, or create, reproduce, or package printed materials or software. Accessory uses such as distribution or circulation facilities are allowed.
    1 per 1,000 sf gfa 1 per 1,000 sf gfa not applicable (nonconforming) Establishments which collect recyclable materials for delivery to a processing facility.
    1 per 200 sf gfa; 1 per 10,000 sf outdoor storage not applicable (nonconforming) not applicable (nonconforming) Establishments where junk, waste, discarded, salvaged or similar materials such as old metals, wood, lumber, glass, paper, rags, cloth, bagging, cordage, barrels, containers, etc., are bought, sold, exchanged, baled, packed, disassembled or handled, including auto wrecking or salvage yards, used lumber yards, housewrecking yards and yards or places for storage or handling of salvaged house wrecking and structural steel materials. This definition shall not include pawn shops and establishments for the sale, purchase or storage of operative second hand cars, salvaged machinery, used furniture, radios, stoves, refrigerators or similar household goods and appliances in working order nor shall it apply to the possessing of used, discarded, or salvaged materials as part of manufacturing operations. (See Use Specific Development Standards)
    Storage, Self / Mini Warehouse NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC G G G G G G SE A NC A A G NC NC A A G NC G NC NC G P P Office area: 1 per 400 sf gfa; Storage area: 1 per 100 storage bays or units; Loading area required Office area: 1 per 300 sf gfa; Storage area: 1 per 50 storage bays or units; Loading area required Office area: 1 per 500 sf gfa; Storage area: 1 per 100 storage bays or units; Loading area required Establishments consisting of a building(s) containing separate storage units of less than 400 square feet each and which are used for storage of personal property, subject to the applicable use restrictions set forth in this Chapter. Additional use restrictions apply when located within a designated activity center. (See Use Specific Development Standards)
    Towing and Freight Trucking NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC G P P 4138—
    1 per 400 sf gfa of office; 1 per 2,000 sf of indoor or outdoor storage 1 per 300 sf gfa of office; 1 per 2,000 sf of indoor or outdoor storage not applicable (nonconforming) Establishments offering local or long distance towing services for light or heavy motor vehicles or other general freight. Vehicle towing establishments may provide incidental services, such as storage and emergency road repair services. Freight towing establishments may provide local pickup, local sorting and terminal operations, line-haul, destination sorting and terminal operations, and local delivery. This definition shall not include gas stations, automotive repair and maintenance or retailing automotive parts and accessories.
    Warehouse NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC G G NC G G G NC NC G G P G A G NC A P P 3600 2730—
    1 per 2,000 sf gfa 1 per 2,000 sf gfa 1 per 2,000 sf gfa Establishments that store, ship and distribute, but do not sell, goods within completely enclosed structures. Warehouse uses may provide a range of services related to the distribution of goods, such as labeling, breaking bulk, inventory control and management, light assembly, order entry and fulfillment, packaging, pick and pack, price marking and ticketing, and transportation arrangement. Bonded warehousing and storage services are included in this category.
    NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC G G G NC NC G G P G G G G P P P 3500 42 1 per 400 sf gfa of office or sales area; 1 per 1,000 sf gfa indoor or outdoor storage 1 per 300 sf gfa of office or sales area; 1 per 1,000 sf gfa indoor or outdoor storage 1 per 500 sf gfa of office or sales area; 1 per 1,000 sf gfa indoor or outdoor storage Establishments selling goods exclusively to other businesses, are not open to the general public, and that typically operate from a warehouse or other building that does not display merchandise. (See Use Specific Development Standards)
    Adult Use,
    Adult Use
    Adult use
    SEE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 1 per 150 sf gfa 1 per 150 sf gfa 1 per 150 sf gfa Includes the terms adult arcade, adult bookstore, adult booth, adult theater, adult cabarets, adult physical culture establishments, adult photographic or modeling studios, and any business establishment whose primary business stock in trade is dependent upon activities relating to adult material, specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas. (See Use Specific Development Standards)
    Club, Community Service and Fraternal G G G G G G G G G SE SE SE SE P P P P P P P P P NC P P A A A P G NC NC NC 1 per 400 sf gfa of office; 1 per 150 sf gfa for other areas 1 per 400 sf gfa of office; 1 per 150 sf gfa for other areas 1 per 400 sf gfa of office; 1 per 150 sf gfa for other areas Any not-for-profit organization whose primary purpose is to provide a service which benefits the general public, such as labor and political organizations, business associations and professional membership organizations, and civic and not for profit clubs whose primary function is to provide social and humanitarian services to the community (i.e., Women's Club, League of Women Voters, Garden Club, Junior League, Jaycees, Kiwannis, Masons, Rotary Club, Shriners and others of a similar nature).
    NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC G G G G P P P P P P P P P NC P P A A A G G NC P P 1 per 400 sf gfa 1 per 300 sf gfa 1 per 500 sf gfa Privately owned commercial facilities offering indoor athletic courts, swimming pools, skating rinks, skateboard or bicycle racing facilities, waterslides, batting and archery facilities, bowling alleys, amusement parks, entertainment venues including dance halls, and amusement facilities containing games or amusement devices.
    NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC P P P NC NC NC NC A P P A A A NC NC NC NC SE 10 spaces per athletic field or large group court (basketball, volleyball, etc.); 4 spaces per small group court (tennis, racquetball, etc.); 1 per 150 sf of group seating areas; 1 per 200 sf gfa of buildings 10 spaces per athletic field or large group court (basketball, volleyball, etc.); 4 spaces per small group court (tennis, racquetball, etc.); 1 per 150 sf of group seating areas; 1 per 200 sf gfa of buildings not applicable (nonconforming) Privately owned commercial facilities offering outdoor athletic courts, swimming pools, skating rinks, skateboard or bicycle racing facilities, waterslides, batting and archery facilities, amusement parks, entertainment venues, and amusement facilities containing games or amusement devices. (See Use Specific Development Standards)
    Golf Course / Country Club NC SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE P P P P SE SE P P P NC NC NC NC NC P P SE NC SE NC NC NC NC SE 5370 71391 8 spaces per hole; 1 per 500 sf gfa of clubhouse or office space; 1 per 2,000 of maintenance space 8 spaces per hole; 1 per 500 sf gfa of clubhouse or office space; 1 per 2,000 of maintenance space not applicable (nonconforming) Land developed and operated as a golf course including tees, fairways, and putting greens, clubhouses, practice greens, and driving ranges.
    Health Club (5,000 sq. ft. or less) G G G G G G G G G P P P P P P P P P P P P P NC P P A P A A A NC G A 1 per 150 sf gfa 1 per 150 sf gfa 1 per 500 sf gfa Establishments offering memberships to the general public for the use of exercise equipment, rooms, classes, and related services.
    Health Club, (more than 5,000 sq. ft.) NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC G SE G SE SE SE P SE SE P P P P NC P P A A A A A NC NC P 1 per 150 sf gfa 1 per 150 sf gfa 1 per 500 sf gfa Establishments offering memberships to the general public for the use of exercise equipment, rooms, classes, and related services.
    Motion Picture Theater/Cinema (500 seats or less) NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC P P P P P P P P P A A A A A P P P P P P P P P P 1 per 150 sf gfa of group seating areas; 1 per 1,000 sf gfa other areas 1 per 150 sf gfa of group seating areas; 1 per 1,000 sf gfa other areas 1 per 500 sf gfa of group seating areas; 1 per 1,000 sf gfa other areas Establishments used for the showing of motion pictures. For the purpose of this definition, drive-in motion picture theaters are prohibited and adult theaters are regulated as uses.
    Motion Picture Theater/Cinema (more than 500 seats) NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC P P P P P P P P P A A A A A P P P SE P P P P P P 1 per 150 sf gfa of group seating areas; 1 per 1,000 sf gfa other areas 1 per 150 sf gfa of group seating areas; 1 per 1,000 sf gfa other areas 1 per 500 sf gfa of group seating areas; 1 per 1,000 sf gfa other areas Establishments used for the showing of motion pictures. For the purpose of this definition, drive-in motion picture theaters are prohibited and adult theaters are regulated as use.
    Museum NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC SE SE SE SE P P P P P P P P P A P P SE SE SE SE NC NC NC NC 5200 4400 712 1 per 500 sf gfa 1 per 400 sf gfa 1 per 1,000 sf gfa Establishments for the preservation and public exhibition of objects and places of historical, cultural, or educational value, including historical sites, zoos, and similar uses.
    Park, Active SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P 5500 None where park is less than 50,000 sf; if greater, 1 per 5,000 sf site area and 1 per 500 sf building gfa None where park is less than 50,000 sf; if greater, 1 per 5,000 sf site area and 1 per 500 sf building gfa none required Publicly owned lands officially designated for active recreational use as set forth in Chapter 21.
    Park, Passive P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P 5500 None where park is less than 50,000 sf; if greater, 1 per 10,000 sf site area and 1 per 500 sf building gfa None where park is less than 50,000 sf; if greater, 1 per 10,000 sf site area and 1 per 500 sf building gfa none required Publicly owned lands officially designated for passive recreational use by the general public as set forth in Chapter 21.
    Performing Arts Venue (500 seats or less) G G G G G G G G G SE G G G P P SE SE SE P P P P A P P P P P P NC NC NC SE 1 per 150 sf gfa of group seating areas; 1 per 1,000 sf gfa other areas 1 per 150 sf gfa of group seating areas; 1 per 1,000 sf gfa other areas 1 per 500 sf gfa of group seating areas; 1 per 1,000 sf gfa other areas Establishments used for the enactment of live performances. Dinner theaters are regulated as restaurants and adult theaters are regulated as adult uses.
    Performing Arts Venue (more than 500 seats) NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC G SE G SE SE P SE SE SE P P P P A P P SE SE SE SE NC NC NC P 1 per 150 sf gfa of group seating areas; 1 per 1,000 sf gfa other areas 1 per 150 sf gfa of group seating areas; 1 per 1,000 sf gfa other areas 1 per 500 sf gfa of group seating areas; 1 per 1,000 sf gfa other areas Establishments used for the enactment of live performances. Dinner theaters are regulated as restaurants and adult theaters are regulated as adult uses.
    Recreation Use, Accessory to
    Residential Use
    A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A NC A A A A A A A NC A A no additional parking
    no additional parking
    no additional parking
    Accessory not for profit private facilities, including swimming pools, athletic courts, playgrounds, clubhouses, etc. exclusively for the benefit of residents and their guests in adjoining areas.
    Recreation Use, Accessory to Public Park A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 10 spaces per athletic field or large group court; 4 spaces per small group court; 1 per 200 sf gfa for any building, group seating, or activity areas 10 spaces per athletic field or large group court; 4 spaces per small group court; 1 per 200 sf gfa for any building, group seating, or activity areas 10 spaces per athletic field or large group court; 4 spaces per small group court; 1 per 200 sf gfa for any building, group seating, or activity areas Publicly owned facilities located in a public park, including but not limited to, large or small group courts, swimming pools, and skateboard or bicycle activity areas. Large group courts are designed for sports involving more than four players (e.g. basketball or volleyball). Small group courts include tennis courts, racquet ball courts, handball courts, etc.
    Adult Day Care Center G G G G G P G SE SE P P P P P P P P SE SE SE SE SE NC NC NC NC P SE SE SE NC NC NC 1 per 5 adults; Stacking and loading areas required 1 per 3 adults; Stacking and loading areas required 1 per 10 adults; Stacking and loading areas required As defined by Florida law, an establishment in which is provided through its ownership or management, for a part of a day, basic services to three or more persons who are 18 years of age or older, who are not related to the owner or operator by blood or marriage, and who require such services.
    Birthing Center NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE NC P P SE NC NC SE SE SE P SE P G NC NC P 3 spaces per bed 4 spaces per bed 2 spaces per bed Establishments with no more than six beds providing inpatient and outpatient services related to prenatal, labor, delivery, postpartum and other related medical care, under the guidance and supervision of active practitioners of obstetrics, as licensed by the State of Florida.
    Cemetery SE SE SE SE SE SE SE A A P P P P NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC P NC 6720 4700 81222 5 spaces minimum; 1 per 150 sf of group seating or assembly areas; Procession stacking required 5 spaces minimum; 1 per 150 sf of group seating or assembly areas; Procession stacking required not applicable (nonconforming) Land used or intended to be used for the permanent interment of human remains. A cemetery may contain land or earth interment; mausoleum, vault, or crypt interment; a columbarium, ossuary, scattering garden, or other structure or place used or intended to be used for the interment or disposition of cremated human remains; or any combination of one or more of such structures or places. (F.S. § 497.005)
    Accessory to a
    House of Worship
    A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A NC A A NC NC NC NC NC NC A A 4700 no additional parking required; Procession stacking required no additional parking required; Procession stacking required no additional parking required; Procession stacking required A cemetery which is located on the same premises as a lawful House of Worship with a site area less than that of the primary use.
    Child Care Facility G G G G G SE G G G SE P SE P P P P P P P P P P NC P P A P P P P NC NC A 6562 5244 1 per 10 children and 1 for each employee 1 per 10 children and 1 for each employee 1 per 10 children and 1 for each employee Any children's center, day nursery, nursery school, kindergarten, or child foster home for more than five children which holds a business tax receipt and certificate of occupancy for the premises. This category includes a children's day care center which is any place that provides care for more than five children unrelated to the operator but not used as a place of residence. This definition does not include a family day care home, any center under the jurisdiction of the state board of education or any nonpublic academic school for children first grade or above (see Chapter 61-2681, Laws of Florida, as amended). (See Use Specific Development Standards)
    Crematorium NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC P P 6720 4800 81222 5 spaces minimum; 1 per 150 sf of group seating or assembly areas; Procession stacking required if funeral services conducted on site 5 spaces minimum; 1 per 150 sf of group seating or assembly areas; Procession stacking required if funeral services conducted on site not applicable (nonconforming) Establishments offering cremation of cadavers. "Cremation" includes any mechanical or thermal process whereby a dead body is reduced to ashes. Cremation also includes any other mechanical or thermal process whereby remains are pulverized, burned, recremated, or otherwise further reduced in size or quantity. (F.S. § 497.005)
    Funeral Home/
    NC NC NC NC NC G NC NC NC P P P P P P P P P G G G NC NC P P NC P P P NC NC G G 6710 4800 81221 1 per 150 sf of group seating or assembly areas; Procession stacking required if funeral services conducted on site 1 per 150 sf of group seating or assembly areas; Procession stacking required if funeral services conducted on site 1 per 300 sf of group seating or assembly areas; Procession stacking required if funeral services conducted on site Establishments primarily engaged in preparing human cadavers for burial or interment and conducting funerals (i.e., providing facilities for wakes, arranging transportation, selling caskets and related merchandise), includes accessory cremation services.
    and Use
    SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE P SE P P P P P P P P P P A P P P P P P SE SE P P 6210 6221 6300 921
    1 per 400 sf gfa of office; 1 per 150 sf of group seating or assembly areas 1 per 300 sf gfa of office; 1 per 150 sf of group seating or assembly areas 1 per 500 sf gfa of office; 1 per 300 sf of group seating or assembly areas Offices and other facilities such as City Halls, courts, and similar buildings and structures used for administrative, legislative and judicial governmental functions. It does not include correctional facilities.
    Hospital NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC SE P SE P P P P P NC P P G G NC P P P P P P G NC G SE 6530 4110 622 Inpatient area: 1 per 4 beds; Outpatient area: 1 per 300 sf gfa; Passenger and cargo loading areas required Inpatient area: 1 per 3 beds; Outpatient area: 1 per 200 sf gfa; Passenger and cargo loading areas required Inpatient area: 1 per 5 beds; Outpatient area: 1 per 500 sf gfa; Passenger and cargo loading areas required Establishments providing medical, diagnostic, and treatment services including physician, nursing, specialized accommodations, and other health services to inpatients. Hospitals may also provide outpatient services as an accessory use.
    House of Worship SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE P P P P P P P P P P P P G NC P P NC P P P G NC G G 1 per 150 sf gfa of group seating areas; 1 per 500 sf gfa other 1 per 150 sf gfa of group seating areas; 1 per 500 sf gfa other 1 per 300 sf gfa of group seating areas; 1 per 500 sf gfa other A site which is used primarily or exclusively for religious worship and related activities and which has received a certificate of occupancy for the premises. (See Use Specific Development Standards)
    Library SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE P P P P P P P P P P P P G NC P P P P P P SE NC G G 1 per 400 sf gfa 1 per 300 sf gfa 1 per 500 sf gfa Establishments that acquire, research, store, preserve and otherwise maintain collections of books, journals, newspapers, audiovisual recordings, photographs, maps, historic documents, and similar materials for information, research, education, or recreation needs of users.
    Meeting Hall and other Community Assembly Facility SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE P P P P P P P P P P P SE P NC P P A A A SE A NC G P 4150—
    51912 1 per 150 sf gfa of group seating areas; 1 per 500 sf gfa other 1 per 150 sf gfa of group seating areas; 1 per 500 sf gfa other 1 per 300 sf gfa of group seating areas; 1 per 500 sf gfa other Establishments that provide shelter for public gatherings and communal activities, or other assembly structures, including community halls, reception halls, wedding halls, and similar structures that provide a gathering place for community functions. This does not include government offices.
    Probation / Parole Correction Office NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC SE NC NC NC SE SE NC NC NC NC NC SE P SE SE NC NC SE G 6220
    4600 92214-
    1 per 400 sf gfa 1 per 300 sf gfa 1 per 500 sf gfa A government or non-governmental office use which supervises, case manages, oversees or regulates persons who come to the office who are under court ordered supervision from the federal or state (including county) court system. These uses shall not be considered an "office" or "governmental use."
    School, Public, Pre-K thru 12 (Governmental) P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P NC P P P P NC P P SE P SE SE P NC NC NC K through 9: 2 per classroom or office; 10 through 12: 4 per classroom or office; All schools: 1 per 150 sf of group seating area (auditorium, gymnasium, etc.); Passenger loading and vehicular stacking areas required K through 9: 2 per classroom or office; 10 through 12: 4 per classroom or office; All schools: 1 per 150 sf of group seating area (auditorium, gymnasium, etc.); Passenger loading and vehicular stacking areas required K through 9: 2 per classroom or office; 10 through 12: 4 per classroom or office; All schools: 1 per 300 sf of group seating area (auditorium, gymnasium, etc.); Passenger loading and vehicular stacking areas required Elementary schools, special education facilities, alternative education facilities, middle schools, high schools, and area vocational-technical schools operated by the Pinellas County School District. This definition shall include charter schools.
    School, Private, Pre-K thru 12 (Nongovernmental) SE SE SE SE SE P P SE SE P P P P P P P P NC P P P G NC P P SE P SE SE SE NC NC NC K through 9: 2 per classroom or office; 10 through 12: 4 per classroom or office; All schools: 1 per 150 sf of group seating area (auditorium, gymnasium, etc.); Passenger loading and vehicular stacking areas required K through 9: 2 per classroom or office; 10 through 12: 4 per classroom or office; All schools: 1 per 150 sf of group seating area (auditorium, gymnasium, etc.); Passenger loading and vehicular stacking areas required K through 9: 2 per classroom or office; 10 through 12: 4 per classroom or office; All schools: 1 per 300 sf of group seating area (auditorium, gymnasium, etc.); Passenger loading and vehicular stacking areas required Elementary schools, special education facilities, alternative education facilities, middle schools, and high schools operated by a private entity. (Note: private trade schools are classified under school, all others)
    SE SE SE SE SE P P SE SE P P P P P P P P NC P P P G NC P P P P SE P SE NC NC NC 4 per classroom or office; 1 per 150 sf of group seating area (auditorium, gymnasium, etc.) 4 per classroom or office; 1 per 150 sf of group seating area (auditorium, gymnasium, etc.) 4 per classroom or office; 1 per 300 sf of group seating area (auditorium, gymnasium, etc.) Junior colleges, colleges, universities, and professional schools. These establishments furnish academic or technical courses and grant degrees, certificates, or diplomas at the associate, baccalaureate, or graduate levels. The requirement for admission is at least a high school diploma or equivalent general academic training.
    School, All Others NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC SE SE SE SE P P P P NC P P P P NC P P P SE SE SE SE NC P P 4 per classroom or office; 1 per 150 sf of group seating area (auditorium, gymnasium, etc.) 4 per classroom or office; 1 per 150 sf of group seating area (auditorium, gymnasium, etc.) 4 per classroom or office; 1 per 300 sf of group seating area (auditorium, gymnasium, etc.) Establishments that provide vocational and technical training of nonacademic subjects and trades which are designed to lead to job-specific certification, including beauty schools, computer training, driving education, flight training, and language instruction.
    Social Service Agencies SEE USE SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Nonresidential, 1 per 200 sf gfa; Residential, 4 spaces, plus 1 per 3 residents; Loading area required except for offices Nonresidential, 1 per 200 sf gfa; Residential, 4 spaces, plus 1 per 3 residents; Loading area required except for offices Nonresidential, 1 per 200 sf gfa; Residential, 4 spaces, plus 1 per 3 residents; Loading area required except for offices Includes Personal Care Services/Drop-In Center, Short-Term/Emergency Housing, Food Center, Supply Pantry, Long Term Housing (See Use Specific Development Standards)
    Airports and Air Transportation OVERLAY DISTRICT 4110 3920
    4881 1 per tie-down or hangar space; 1 per 300 sf gfa of terminal space; 1 per 500 of office space 1 per tie-down or hangar space; 1 per 300 sf gfa of terminal space; 1 per 500 of office space 1 per tie-down or hangar space; 1 per 300 sf gfa of terminal space; 1 per 500 of office space The Albert Whitted Airport.
    Heliport, Accessory NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC A A NC A NC NC NC A A A A A SE NC A 4115 5640 1 per tie-down or hangar space; 1 per 300 sf gfa of terminal space; 1 per 500 of office space 1 per tie-down or hangar space; 1 per 300 sf gfa of terminal space; 1 per 500 of office space 1 per tie-down or hangar space; 1 per 300 sf gfa of terminal space; 1 per 500 of office space An area providing for the take-off and landing of helicopters and related fuel facilities (whether fixed or mobile) and appurtenant areas for parking, maintenance, and repair of helicopters.
    Marina G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G p p P SE SE G P A P P A P P NC NC SE P P 1 per 5 wet slips; 1 per 8 dry slips; 1 per 200 sf gfa of other 1 per 5 wet slips; 1 per 8 dry slips; 1 per 200 sf gfa of other 1 per 5 wet slips; 1 per 8 dry slips; 1 per 200 sf gfa of other A boat basin with docks and moorings which may include dry boat storage, supplies, and other facilities for boats and accessory uses such as charter fishing, boat rental, tours, etc.
    Mass Transit
    NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC SE SE SE SE P P SE SE SE P P G SE A P P P SE P SE SE SE NC P 1 per 400 sf gfa 1 per 300 sf gfa 1 per 500 sf gfa Local and suburban ground passenger transit systems using more than one mode of transport over regular routes and on regular schedules within the metropolitan area.
    Parking Surface Accessory SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P 5220—
    not applicable not applicable not applicable Surface parking area which is accessory to a lawful use.
    not applicable not applicable not applicable Multistory, underground, and rooftop parking facilities located inside of a building that may also contain other uses.
    Parking, Surface —
    Principal Use
    not applicable not applicable not applicable Surface parking areas located outside of structures as a principal use. Surface parking areas reserved for a principal use are accessory uses.
    Antennae (WCA)
    no additional parking
    no additional parking
    A wireless communication antenna (WCA) is an antenna at a fixed location used for the transmission or reception of wireless communication signals, excluding those antennas used exclusively for dispatch communications by public emergency agencies, ham radio antennas, satellite antennas, those antennas which receive video programming services via multipoint distribution services which are one meter or less in diameter, and those antennas which receive television broadcast signals. (See Use Specific Development Standards)
    Facility (WCSF)
    SEE USE SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 4233 6500 1 space per structure 1 space per structure 1 space per structure A monopole, guyed or a lattice type tower greater than 15 feet in height designed for the attachment of or as support for wireless communication antennas or other antennas.
    Utility Plant and Storage G G G G G G G G G SE SE SE SE G G SE SE SE NC NC NC NC NC SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE P P 4310—
    221 1 per 1,000 sf gfa of office area 1 per 1,000 sf gfa of office area 1 per 1,000 sf gfa of office area Land used to produce or generate water, electricity, or gas energy, or to treat wastewater. Maintenance, office, storage, transmission and pumping facilities are permitted as an accessory use. (See Use Specific Development Standards)
    Utility Substation, Utility Storage Tanks SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE NC SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE P P 6210
    1 per 1,000 sf gfa of office area 1 per 1,000 sf gfa of office area 1 per 1,000 sf gfa of office area Land used to transmit, store or pump water, electricity, gas, or wastewater. (See Use Specific Development Standards)


    LEGEND: P = Permitted; SE = Special Exception; G = Grandfathered; NC = Nonconforming; A = Accessory "Sf gfa" refers to gross floor area unless otherwise indicated.
    NT-1 + NT-2: Neighborhood Traditional Single-family
    NT-3: Neighborhood Traditional Single-family
    NT-4: Neighborhood Traditional Mixed Use
    NS-E: Neighborhood Suburban Estate
    NS-1 + NS-2: Neighborhood Suburban
    NSM-1 + NSM-2: Neighborhood Suburban Multi-Family
    NMH: Neighborhood Suburban Mobile Home
    NPUD-1 + NPUD-3: Neighborhood Planned Unit Development
    NPUD-2: Neighborhood Planned Unit Development
    CRT-1: Corridor Residential Traditional
    CRT-2: Corridor Residential Traditional
    CRS-1: Corridor Residential Suburban
    CRS-2: Corridor Residential Suburban
    CCT-1: Corridor Commercial Traditional
    CCT-2: Corridor Commercial Traditional
    CCS-1: Corridor Commercial Suburban
    CCS-2: Corridor Commercial Suburban
    CCS-3: Corridor Commercial Suburban
    DC-C: Downtown Core
    DC-1: Downtown Center
    DC-2: Downtown Center
    DC-3: Downtown Center (Waterfront)
    DC-P: Downtown Center Park
    RC-1: Retail Center
    RC-2 and RC-3: Retail Center
    EC-1: Employment Center
    EC-2: Employment Center
    IC: Institutional Center (CRD)
    IC: Institutional Center (I)
    IC: Institutional Center (R/OG)
    IC: Institutional Center (T/U)
    IT: Industrial Traditional
    IS: Industrial Suburban
    LBCS Function
    LBCS Structure
    Minimum Parking Spaces, Traditional Tier
    (NT, CRT, CCT-1, IT)
    Minimum Parking Spaces, Suburban Tier
    (NS, NSM, NMH, NPUD, CRS, CCS, RC, EC-1, IC, IS)
    Downtown (DC, CCT-2, EC-2)
    Commercial garden and greenhouse NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC SE SE 1 per 1,000 sf gfa 1 per 500 sf gfa 1 per 1,000 sf gfa Establishment for the propagation, processing and storage of plants produced for wholesale or retail sales. Typical uses include, but are not limited to, growing beds, greenhouses, vertical farming and hydroponic systems.
    Nursery G G G G G G G G G G G G G P P P P P NC NC NC NC NC P P NC NC NC NC NC NC P P 9140 8500 44422
    1 per 400 sf gfa of office; 1 per 1,500 sf gfa of indoor or outdoor sales and display or storage area; Cargo loading area required 1 per 300 sf gfa of office; 1 per 1,500 sf gfa of indoor or outdoor sales and display or storage area; Cargo loading area required not applicable (nonconforming) Establishments primarily engaged in retail sales of nursery and garden products, such as trees, shrubs, plants, seeds, bulbs, and sod, that are predominantly grown elsewhere. These establishments may sell product grown on-site as long as more than 50% of inventory is not grown on site.


(Ord. No. 876-G, §§ 34, 35, 2-21-2008; Ord. No. 893-G, §§ 20—29, 42, 46, 9-4-2008; Ord. No. 935-G, § 1, 6-18-2009; Ord. No. 985-G, §§ 1, 7—17, 127—132, 7-15-2010; Ord. of 1029-G, §§ 1—14, 9-8-2011; Ord. No. 81-H, § 17, 9-19-2013; Ord. No. 83-H, §§ 1—4, 12-19-2013; Ord. No. 131-H, § 2, 12-18-2014; Ord. No. 166-H, §§ 1, 2, 5-21-2015; Ord. No. 202-H, § 1, 11-23-2015; Ord. No. 203-H, § 8, 11-23-2015; Ord. No. 221-H, § 2, 10-20-2016; Ord. No. 246-H, § 1, 10-20-2016; Ord. No. 256-H, §§ 1, 2, 2-16-2017; Ord. No. 265-H, § 1, 4-20-2017; Ord. No. 346-H, § 1(Att. A), 3-14-2019)