§ Development potential.  

Latest version.
  • Development potential is slightly different within the districts to respect the character of the neighborhoods. Achieving maximum development potential will depend upon market forces, such as minimum desirable unit size, and development standards, such as minimum lot size, parking requirements, height restrictions, and building setbacks.

    Minimum Lot Size, Maximum Density and Maximum Intensity

    CRT-1 CRT-2
    Minimum lot area (square ft.) 4,500 4,500
    Maximum residential density (units per acre) Residential density 24 40
    Residential density within activity center 60 60
    Workforce housing
    density bonus
    6 6
    Maximum nonresidential intensity (floor area ratio) Nonresidential intensity 1 1.5
    Nonresidential intensity within activity center 2.5 2.5
    Workforce housing
    intensity bonus
    0.2 0.2
    Maximum impervious surface (site area ratio) 0.75 0.95
    Workforce housing density and intensity bonus: All units associated with this bonus shall be utilized in the creation of workforce housing units as prescribed in the City's workforce housing program and shall meet all requirements of the program.
    Refer to technical standards regarding measurement of lot dimensions, calculation of maximum residential density, nonresidential floor area and impervious surface.
    For mixed use developments, refer to additional regulations within the use specific development standards section for mixed uses (currently section 16.50.200).
    A 100% intensity bonus is allowed for manufacturing, office, and laboratories and research and development uses on parcels designated as Target Employment Center (TEC) Overlay on the future land use map.


(Code 1992, §; Ord. No. 876-G, § 6, 2-21-2008; Ord. No. 66-H, § 1, 2-7-2013; Ord. No. 83-H, § 6, 12-19-2013; Ord. No. 166-H, § 3, 5-21-2015; Ord. No. 203-H, § 25, 11-23-2015)