§ Building design.

Latest version.
  • The following design criteria allow the developer to choose their preferred architectural style, building form, scale and massing, while creating a framework for good urban design practices which create a positive experience for the pedestrian.

    Site layout and orientation. The City is committed to creating and preserving a network of linkages for pedestrians. Consequently, pedestrian and vehicle connections between public rights-of-way and private property are subject to a hierarchy of transportation, which begins with the pedestrian.


    Buildings shall be constructed to the right-of-way line or create outdoor areas that integrate into the public sidewalk utilizing sound urban design.


    Surface parking, ancillary equipment, loading and service operations shall be placed to the rear or internal to the property and shall not be visible from streets (not alleys).


    No curb cuts shall be allowed on Central Avenue, Beach Drive or 2nd Avenue North east of Fifth Street.


    Detention and retention ponds and drainage ditches shall be located behind the principal building to the rear of the property. Detention and retention ponds and drainage ditches shall comply with the design standards set forth in the drainage and surface water management section.


    For any lot, public improvements (e.g. sidewalks, right of way, etc.) shall be provided to service the lot in accordance with the subdivision section.

    Building and architectural design standards. All buildings should present an inviting, human scale facade to the public roadway, internal drives, parking areas and surrounding neighborhoods. The architectural elements of a building should give it character, richness and visual interest.

    Building style.


    New construction shall utilize an identifiable architectural style.


    Renovations and additions shall utilize the architectural style of the existing structure or shall create a complete and compatible new architectural style. Additions to historic buildings are exempt from this regulation but shall comply with all other applicable regulations.


    Building materials and finishes shall be consistent throughout the building.

    Parking structures and surface parking lots.


    Parking structures shall utilize a recognized architectural style.


    Parking structures which are part of an overall project shall utilize the same architectural style, fenestration and detailing as the principal structure.


    The ground level of all parking structures located within the Downtown Center-Core (DC-C), and the ground level of all parking structures located within any Downtown Center (DC) zoning district abutting Beach Drive or Central Avenue, shall have nonresidential, non-vehicular uses with a minimum average depth of at least 40 feet on all streets, excluding alleys. For all other locations, the ground level of all parking structures shall have nonresidential, non-vehicular uses with a minimum average depth of 20 feet on all streets, excluding alleys and vehicular entry areas.


    Parking structures are encouraged to either encase the parking decks with a liner that provides for uses or an architecturally compatible design that creates an attractive facade to screen the structure from the streets (not alleys).


    Surface parking lots which are visible from the street (not alleys) shall provide a solid knee wall not less than 36 inches high.

    Pedestrian building edge and store fronts.


    The first floor of big box buildings shall be edged with a use liner containing any permitted use (e.g., retail, restaurant, residential) or the entire wall shall include architectural details such as fenestration, large false (or real) display windows, natural finishes and other architectural features to eliminate blank facades visible from the street (not alley).


    Ground level facades along primary streets shall have at least 50 percent transparency at the ground level. Ground level facades along secondary streets shall have at least 30 percent transparency at the ground level.


    The bottom of windows shall begin no higher than two feet above grade level, and the top of all windows and doors shall be no lower than eight feet above grade level. Taller windows are encouraged.


    The base of buildings, where the building meets the sidewalk and entryway, should be constructed of high-quality, hardened materials. The use of high-quality materials will protect against damage caused by pedestrian traffic and thereby benefit the lifetime maintenance costs of the building.

    Building fenestration.


    Buildings shall be equally detailed on all facades visible from a street (not alleys).


    All facades for floors above first and second floor storefronts shall have at least 30 percent total fenestration. At least two-thirds of this requirement shall be transparent (i.e., window glass). This percentage applies to all sides of buildings.


    A zero lot line building or buildings that have interior facades or portions thereof that cannot provide glazing due to building and fire code regulations are exempt from providing fenestration on any exempt portion of the building. Portions of these facades which are not exempt shall have fenestration and architectural detailing consistent with the design style of the building which shall comprise at least 20 percent of the facade. Permanent, durable architectural features such as shutters, tile mosaics, medallions, Trompe L-oiel, or other items are acceptable.


    No floor of any street facade shall have a blank area greater than 36 feet in width and the height of the floor. All facades shall include fenestration and/or architectural features.


    Window fenestration on the street facades shall be organized in a rational pattern.

    Accessory structures and equipment. Accessory structures shall reinforce the pedestrian character of the City.


    Above-ground utility and service features shall be located and designed to reduce their visual impact upon the streetscape.


    Mechanical equipment and utility functions shall be screened if visible from the public right-of-way.

(Code 1992, §; Ord. No. 876-G, § 13, 2-21-2008; Ord. No. 985-G, § 33, 7-15-2010; Ord. No. 1029-G, § 25, 9-8-2011; Ord. No. 287-H, § 35, 7-20-2017)