§ Large tract planned development.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The context of the City's neighborhoods is established and most infill development consists of a single or small number of lots that follow the established pattern of the neighborhood. The zoning districts were written to encourage and protect the existing development patterns of the built-out community; however, in some instances, larger tracts of land exist. These larger tracts present an opportunity to allow compatible yet alternative design opportunities.


    The purpose of this section is to allow tracts of land consisting of a minimum of two acres and having adequate depth and width for a consistent buffer area to be developed in a way that is consistent with the underlying land uses and densities, but allows alternate dimensional and design requirements. This flexibility allows creative and improved designs. This regulation does not provide an opportunity to increase density. It allows the transition of building types and dimensional criteria to be flexible within the context of the development while maintaining the character of the perimeter of the development consistent with the surrounding established pattern or providing additional buffering to transition the change of context.


    This section provides an alternate method to develop property. Property may always be developed in compliance with the standards and requirements of the zoning district.

(Code 1992, §