§ Landscape specifications.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Unless otherwise specified, all landscape materials shall meet the following specifications:

    All required shade trees shall measure a minimum of ten ft. in height and two inches diameter at breast height (dbh) at the time of planting. All shade trees shall be rated Florida Grade No. 1 and selected from the following list.
    Common Scientific
    Native Light requirements Water requirements
    sun mix shade low med high
    Cypress, Bald Taxodium distichum X X X X X X
    Elm, Chinese (Drake) Ulmus parvifolia X X
    Elm, florida Ulmus Americana, var. spp. floridana X X X X
    Elm, Winged Ulmus Alata X X X
    Loblolly Bay Gordonia lasianthus X X X
    Magnolia, Southern* Magnolia grandiflora X X X X
    Magnolia, Sweetbay* Magnolia virginiana X X X
    Maple, Florida Acer saccharum, "Floridanum" X X X
    Maple, Red Acer rubrum X X X
    Mulberry, Red* Morus rubra X X X
    Oak, Live Quercus virginiana X X X X
    Pine, Long-Leaf Pinus palustris X X X
    Pine, Slash Pinus elliottii X X X
    Sugarberry* Celtis laevigata X X X
    Sweetgum* Liquidambar styraciflua X X X
    Sycamore Platanus occidentalis X X X X
    *Tree produces berries or seed pods, which make it an unsuitable choice for locations near parking or sidewalk spaces.
    Other shade trees identified as Florida Friendly by the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Extension, Environmental Horticulture Department will be considered (http://fyn.ifas.ufl.edu/pdf/FYN_Plant_Selection_Guide_v090110.pdf).


    All required understory trees shall measure a minimum of eight ft. in height and 1.5 inches diameter at breast height (dbh) at the time of planting. All understory trees shall be rated Florida Grade No. 1 and selected from the following list.
    Common Scientific
    Native Light requirements Water requirements
    sun mix shade low med high
    Bay, Red Persea borbonia X X X
    Bay, Silk Persea humilis X X X
    Bay, Swamp Persea palustris X X X
    Buttonwood, Green Conocarpus erectus X X X
    Buttonwood, Silver Conocarpus erectus "sericeus" X X X
    Cedar, Southern Red Juniperus virginiana X X X
    Crape Myrtle, Lagerstroemia indica and any disease resistant varieties X X X
    Hawthorn, Summer Crataegus flava X X X
    Holly, American Ilex opaca X X X
    Holly, Dahoon Ilex cassine X X X X
    Holly, East Palatka Ilex attenuata "East Palatka" X X X X
    Holly, Weeping Yaupon Ilex vomitoria "Pendula" X X X
    Holly, Yaupon Ilex vomitoria X X X
    Ligustrum Ligustrum japonicum X X
    Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora, and other dwarf varieties that have a maximum height of fifteen feet X X X
    Oak, Sand Live Quercus virginiana "Geminata" X X X
    Plum, Flatwoods Prunus umbellata X X X
    Plum, Pigeon Coccoloba diversifolia X X X
    Plum, Saffron Bumelia celastrina X X X
    Podocarpus (tree form) Podocarpus macrophyllus X X
    Seagrape (tree form) Coccoloba uvifera X X X
    Sweet Acacia Acacia farnesiana X X X
    Wild Olive Cordia boissieri X X
    Other understory trees identified as Florida Friendly by the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Extension, Environmental Horticulture Department will be considered.


    All required palm trees shall measure a minimum height of eight feet of clear trunk. Palm trees identified with an * may be substituted on a one for one basis with shade tree planting requirements. Palm trees identified with a + may be substituted on a three for one basis with shade tree planting requirements. No more than 50% of required shade trees may be substituted for palms in vehicular use areas. All palm trees shall be credited on a one for one basis towards understory tree planting requirements. All palms trees shall be rated Florida Grade No. 1 and selected from the following list.
    Common Scientific
    Native Light requirements Water requirements
    sun mix shade low med high
    Bismarck Palm* Bismarckia nobilis X X
    Cabbage Palm+ Sabal palmetto X X X X
    Date Palm, Medjool* Phoenix dactylifera
    Date Palm, Pygmy Phoenix roebelenii
    Date Palm,
    Phoenix sylvestris
    Fan Palm,
    Livistona decipiens X X
    Foxtail Palm Wodyetia bifurcata X X
    Paurotis Palm Acoelorrhaphe wrightii X X X
    Pindo Palm Butia odorata X X
    Royal Palm, Cuba* Roystonea regia X X
    Royal Palm, Florida* Roystonea elata X X X
    Thatch Palm, Florida Thrinax radiata X X X
    Triangle Palm Neodypsis decaryi X X
    Windmill Palm Trachycarpus fortunei X X
    Other palm trees identified as Florida Friendly by the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Extension, Environmental Horticulture Department will be considered.


    All required shrubs shall measure a minimum of 24 inches in height at the time of planting. Shrubs required to create a hedge shall be planted not more than 30 inches on center. Shrubs shall be rated Florida Grade No. 1 and selected from the following list.
    Common Scientific
    Native Light requirements Water requirements
    sun mix shade low med high
    Anise, Yellow Illicium parviflorum X X X
    Buttonwood, Green Conocarpus erectus X X X
    Buttonwood, Silver Conocarpus erectus 'sericeus' X X X
    Cocoplum, Redtip Chrysobalanus icaco X X X
    Firebush Hamelia patens X X X X
    Gallberry Ilex glabra X X X
    Hibiscus Hibiscus rosa-sinensis X X
    Holly, Dwarf Yaupon Ilex vomitoria "Schilling Dwarf"
    Dwarf caltivars or varieties
    X X X
    Ixora Ixora coccinea X X
    Podocarpus Podocarpus macrophyllus X X X
    Privet, Florida Forestiera segregata X X X
    Seagrape Coccoloba uvifera X X X
    Simpson Stopper Myrcianthes fragrans X X X
    Viburnum, Awabuki Viburnum odoratissum "Awabuki" X X
    Viburnum, Sandankwa Viburnum suspensum X X X
    Viburnum, Sweet Viburnum odoratissimum X X
    Viburnum, Walters Viburnum obovatum X X X X
    Other shrubs identified as Florida Friendly by the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Extension, Environmental Horticulture Department will be considered.


    All required foundation plants and accent plants shall be a minimum of one gallon nursery specification at the time of planting. Plants shall be rated Florida Grade No. 1 and selected from the following list.
    Common Scientific
    Native Light requirements Water requirements
    sun mix shade low med high
    Allamanda Allamanda cathartica X X
    Allamanda Allamanda neriifolia X X
    American Beautyberry Callicarpa americana spp. X X X
    Azalea, Florida Flame Rhododendron austrinum X X X
    Azalea, Pinxter or Piedmont Rhododendron canescens X X X
    Florida Bamboo, clumping varieties only Bambusa spp. X X X
    Azalea Rhododendron spp. X X
    Bird of Paradise Strelitzia reginae X X
    Bougainvillea Bougainvillea glabra X X
    Butterfly Weed Asclepias tuberosa X X X
    Cardboard Plant Zamia furfuracea X X
    Cast-Iron Plant Aspidistra elatior X X
    Christmasberry Lycium carolinianum X X X
    Coontie Zamia floridana X X X
    Copperleaf Acalypha wilkesiana X X
    Crinum Lily Crinum spp. X X
    Croton Codiaeum variegatum X X
    Firespike Odontonema cuspidata X X X
    Ginger, Shell Alpinia zerumbet X X X
    Golden Dewdrop Duranta erecta X X
    Hawthorn, Indian, disease resistant cvs. Raphiolepsis spp. X X X
    Hibiscus, Red Hhibiscus coccineus X X X
    Iris, African Dietes spp. X X
    Lady Palm Rhapis excelsa X X X
    Mimosa, Sunshine Mimosa strigillosa X X X X
    Milkweed, Scarlet Asclepias curassavica X X
    Needle Palm Rhapidophyllum hystrix X X X
    Philodendron Philodendron spp. X X X
    Plumbago Plumbago auriculata X X
    Palmetto, Saw Serenoa repens X X X
    Shrimp Plant Justicia brandegeana X X
    Snowberry Chiococca alba X X X
    Snow Bush Breynia disticha X X X
    Thryallis Galphimia gracilis X X
    Turks-Cap Malvaviscus arboreus X X
    Varnish Leaf Dodonaea viscosa X X X
    White Indigoberry Randia aculeata X X X
    Wild Coffee Psychotria nervosa X X X X X
    Yellow Necklace Pod Sophora tomentosa "Truncata" X X X
    Other accent plants identified as Florida Friendly by the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Extension, Environmental Horticulture Department will be considered.


    All required foundation plants and ornamental grasses shall be a minimum of one gallon nursery specification at the time of planting. Plants shall be rated Florida Grade No. 1 and selected from the following list.
    Common Scientific
    Native Light requirements Water requirements
    sun mix shade low med high
    Fakahatchee Grass Tripsacum dactyloids X X X X
    Fakahatchee Grass, Dwarf Tripsacum floridanum X X X X
    Gulf Muhly Grass Muhlenbergia capillaris X X X
    Sand Cordgrass Spartina bakeri X X X X X
    Salt Marsh Cordgrass Spartina patens X X X X X
    Other ornamental grasses identified as "Florida Friendly" by the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Extension, Environmental Horticulture Department will be considered.


    All required foundation plants and ornamental grasses shall be a minimum of one gallon nursery specification at the time of planting. Plants shall be rated Florida Grade No. 1 and selected from the following list.
    Common Scientific
    Native Light requirements Water requirements
    sun mix shade low med high
    Aztec Grass Ophiopogon spp. X X
    Beach Sunflower Helianthus debilis X X X
    Beach Morning Glory Ipomoea imperati X X X
    Blue Daze Evolvulus glomerata X X
    Coral Honeysuckle Lonicera sempervirens X X X X
    Jasmine, Asiatic (Minima) and other low growing varieties Trachelospernum asiaticum X X X
    Jasmine, Downy Jasminum multiflorum X X X
    Juniper, Parson Juniperus davurica X X X
    Juniper, Shore Juniperus conferta X X X
    Lantana, Trailing Lantana montevidensis X X
    Liriope, Evergreen
    Liriope "Evergreen Giant" X X
    Mimosa, Sunshine Mimosa strigillosa X X X X
    Porterweed Strachytarpheta jamaicensis X X X X
    Railroad Vine Ipomoea pescaprae X X X
    Sage, Tropical Salvia coccinea X X X X
    Sea Oxeye Daisy Borrichia frutescens X X X
    Sea Purslane Sesuvium portulacastrum X X X
    Twinflower Dyschoriste oblongifolia X X X
    Other foundation plants identified as Florida Friendly by the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Extension, Environmental Horticulture Department will be considered.



    Plant selection criteria. The species of required landscape materials shall be site appropriate and shall be selected based on the existing and neighboring vegetative communities, sun exposure, soil types, proposed function of the materials, cold tolerance, water use, fertilizer needs, existence of utilities or overhead power lines, and aesthetics.


    Unprotected trees. Due to their status as non-native species or invasive species, any unprotected or prohibited trees may be removed from private property and the abutting right-of-way without a permit unless they are part of an approved landscape plan, or otherwise required by this section, and shall not be used to meet the vegetation required by this section:

    Common Scientific
    Place of Origin
    Avocado Persea americana Central America
    Cherry laurel Prunus caroliniana North America
    Citrus All species. Eastern Asia
    Ear Enterolobium cyclocarpum Central America
    Eucalyptus Eucalyptus spp. except silver dollar variety Australia
    Ficus Ficus spp. South America
    Italian cypress Cupressus sempervirens South Europe
    Jacaranda Jacaranda acutifolia Brazil
    Jerusalem thorn Parkinsonia aculeata Central America
    Kapok Ceiba pentandra South America
    Loquat Eriobotrya japonica China
    Mango Mangifera indica India
    Monkey puzzle tree Araucaria araucana Australia
    Norfolk Island pine Araucaria excelsa Norfolk Island
    Orchid Tree Bauhinia spp. , except Bauhinia variegata Eastern Asia (India, China)
    Royal Poinciana Delonix regia Madagascar
    Silk oak Grevillia robusta Australia
    Toog Bischofia javanica Tropical Asia, Pacific Islands
    Woman's tongue Albizia spp. Tropical Asia, Northern Australia


     Note: Jacaranda and Royal Poinciana Trees over eight inches DBH and Banyan and Kapok over 30 inches DBH are signature trees and therefore may be required to obtain a permit before removing.


    Prohibited trees. It is unlawful to plant or cause to be planted, or to sell or offer for sale, within the City limits the following exotic and nuisance plant species. Any development or redevelopment which is required to obtain a landscaping permit or file a landscape plan shall remove all prohibited trees on the property and abutting right-of-way and shall include a plan to prevent re-growth prior to approval of a certificate of occupancy.

    Common Scientific
    Place of Origin
    Acacia, earleaf Acacia auriculiformis Australia, New Guinea, Indonesia
    Australian pines, all Casuarina spp. South Pacific, SE Asia (Australia)
    Brazilian pepper Schnius terebinthifolius Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay
    Carrotwood Cupaniopsis anacardioides Australia
    Chinaberry Melia azederach Asia
    Chinese tallow Triadica sebifera China, Japan
    Lead tree Leucaena leucocephala Central America
    Punk Melaleuca quinquenervia Australia, New Guinea, Solomon Isle
    Strangler fig Ficus aurea North America


(Code 1992, §; Ord. No. 195-H, § 1, 9-17-2015)