§ Lot line adjustments and lot splits.  

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  • A.

    Procedure. For procedures, see applications and procedures section.


    Definition. The term "lot line adjustment" means the adjustment of the platted lot line(s) between two or more abutting platted lots of record which changes the size of the buildable lots. The term 'lot split' means the creation of one or more lots from a platted lot of record which changes the number of buildable lots.


    Standards for review. In reviewing an application, the POD, Development Review Commission, or City Council, shall consider the following criteria:


    Easements for public utilities including stormwater drainage shall be provided as required. The applicant shall pay any costs of utility adjustments, extensions, relocations, and connections.


    Any unpaid outstanding liens and assessments owed to the City shall be satisfied as a condition of lot line adjustment or lot split.


    Consistency with the established neighborhood pattern shall be maintained, including lot dimensions, utility and parking functions, alley access, and sanitation services. New lot lines shall comply with the subdivision requirements when practical and shall be formed of one straight line.


    All lots must be owned by the same entity or have the written consent of the property owner.


    Lot line adjustments and lot splits shall not create more than two additional buildable lots.


    For lot line adjustments, all lots shall meet the minimum lot size of the zoning district, unless one or more of the original lots do not meet the minimum lot size, then no lot having less area than the smallest of the lots included in the application shall be created.


    For lot splits, no variance to the minimum lot area requirements of the zoning district is allowed.


    Replatting. Replatting is required if the lot line adjustment or lot split results in the property that is the subject of the application being divided, and including any abutting property and lots in common ownership, or which are part of a unified plan of development, into a total of three or more lots.

(Code 1992, §; Ord. No. 166-H, § 13, 5-21-2015; Ord. No. 287-H, § 17, 7-20-2017)