§ Lots.  

Latest version.
  • Lots shall be designed to comply with the following design standards:


    Orientation. Insofar as practical, side lot lines shall be at right angles to straight street lines or shall be radial to curved street lines.


    Frontage. All lots shall front upon a public street, except as allowed in the following subsection. Any lots with water frontage shall have a minimum of 30 feet of water frontage.


    Multifamily lots. In any zoning district that allows duplex, triplex, quadraplex, townhome or other multifamily residential development, the subdivision of a parcel of land into separate lots for individual residential units shall be permitted without regard to minimum lot area, lot width, and lot depth standards and minimum yard requirements that may otherwise be applicable to the individual lots, provided that:


    The parcel of land would, without being subdivided, meet the minimum lot area, lot width, and lot depth standards and the parcel provides sufficient space for required on-site parking and landscaping;


    The lots provide sufficient space for buildings to meet all minimum yard requirements between building or for buildings to be attached to one or more other buildings by one or more common walls, each wall being constructed upon a lot line; and


    Each lot shall have access to a street or alley either directly or through a common area accessible to the unit owner, and shall have access to required on-site motor vehicle parking spaces.


    Area. Minimum lot area requirements shall be as required by the zoning district.


    Width. Minimum lot width requirements shall be as required by the zoning district.


    Depth. All lots shall have a depth of no less than 75 feet.


    Double-frontage lots. Double-frontage lots are prohibited except in commercial or industrial districts.


    New development in established areas. In older, established residential areas, the POD or Development Review Commission (DRC) may grant a variance from the lot requirements of a zoning district or this section if it is necessary to create a development compatible with the established pattern. When subdivisions are being replatted, the POD or DRC may, if it is not detrimental to the best interests of the City, permit lot sizes comparable to those of the former subdivision.


    Grading. Lots shall be graded in such a manner that all surface drainage shall be in compliance with the City's stormwater management requirements. A grading plan showing the building site and proposed surface drainage shall be submitted to the engineering director. The construction site upon the lot shall be a minimum of one foot above the average grade crown of the road, which crown elevation shall be as set by the engineering director. Adequate swales shall be provided on the lot in any case where filling obstructs the natural ground flow. In no case shall the elevation of the portion of the site where the building is located be less than an elevation of 103 feet according to City datum. In certain areas due to existing developments with existing elevations less than 103 feet, the engineering director or Development Review Commission, where appropriate, may approve a lower elevation. On sandy fill areas where immediate development is not contemplated prior to City acceptance of streets and approval of established grades, the applicant shall provide means satisfactory to the engineering director of preventing erosion of the filled area.

(Code 1992, §; Ord. No. 100-H, § 3, 12-19-2013)