§ Maximum density and intensity.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Maximum development of a mixed use shall be governed by the floor area ratio regulations of the zoning district.


    The number of dwelling units on the site shall not exceed the maximum density allowed by the zoning district.


    For mixed-use developments located within a Planned Redevelopment-Residential (PR-R), Planned Redevelopment-Mixed-Use (PR-MU), Planned Redevelopment-Commercial (PR-C), Central Business District (CBD) or Community Redevelopment District (CRD) future land use category, the floor area of the residential and nonresidential uses shall be counted in determining the gross floor area of the building. The gross floor area shall not exceed the maximum floor area ratio allowed unless an exemption is specifically authorized in this chapter.


    For mixed-use developments located within all other future land use categories, the number of units and the gross floor area of all nonresidential uses shall not exceed the number of units allowed per acre and maximum floor area ratio allowed unless an exemption is specifically authorized in this chapter.

(Code 1992, §; Ord. No. 876-G, § 26, 2-21-2008; Ord. No. 985-G, § 82, 7-15-2010; Ord. No. 166-H, § 16, 5-21-2015)