§ 16.50.310.3.1. Design standards.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    An outdoor eating and drinking area shall be unenclosed by any walls or planters in excess of four feet in height, but may have a roof.


    Seating for an outdoor eating and drinking area shall not be located on any side of a building that abuts or is across an alley from a single-family residential use.


    All outdoor loudspeakers shall be oriented away from abutting residential uses and all noise is subject to the noise ordinance.


    Structures associated with an outdoor eating and drinking area shall be compatible with the principal structure for exterior building finishes, colors, roofing, materials and for design and architectural style and theme.


    Foundation landscaping shall be provided around the outdoor eating and drinking area as required by the landscaping and irrigation section.

(Code 1992, § 16.50.310.3.1; Ord. No. 985-G, §§ 84, 85, 7-15-2010)