§ 20-226. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • When used in this section, the following terms shall have meanings ascribed to them below unless another meaning is clearly evident from the context in which they are used:

    Activation means when the security alarm alerts the fire or police department that a response is required.

    Alarm initiating device means a device that is designed to respond either manually or automatically to smoke, fire or activation of a fire suppression system.

    Arming station means a device that allows control of a security alarm system.

    Automatic telephone dialing device or digital alarm communicator system means an alarm system which automatically sends a pre-recorded voice message or coded signal over regular telephone lines, by direct connection or otherwise, indicating the existence of the emergency situation that the alarm system is designed to detect.

    Cancellation means the process whereby an official response is terminated, when a security or fire alarm monitoring company (designated by the responsible party) for the premises, notifies the responding Police or Fire Department that there is not an existing situation at the premises requiring an official response to the alarm. This notification must be received in the Police or Fire Communications Center prior to Police or Fire Officers' arrivals in order for the alarm call to be cancelled.

    Duress alarm means a silent security alarm system signal generated by the entry of a designated code into an arming station in order to signal that the responsible party is being forced to turn off the system and requires an official response to the alarm.

    Enforcement Official means the POD (currently, the False Alarms Division), Fire or Police Chief or his designated representative.

    False fire alarm means the activation of any fire alarm system which results in a response by the Fire Department and which is caused by mechanical failure, malfunction, improper installation, lack of proper maintenance, negligence or intentional misuse of the fire alarm system by the responsible party or any other activation of a fire alarm system not caused by heat, smoke or fire.

    False security alarm means a security alarm malfunction or the activation of any alarm, not caused by forced entry, attempted forced entry, or robbery which results in an official response of the Police Department. A presumption exists that the alarm was false if the police officer responding to the alarm finds no evidence of criminal activity, attempted criminal activity or an emergency at the premises.

    Fine means a monetary assessment for a false fire or false security alarm that is punitive in nature.

    Fire alarm activation report means a document issued by the Enforcement Official indicating that the activation was deemed to be the result of a fire alarm activation due to a false fire alarm.

    Fire alarm system means a system or portion of a combination system consisting of components and circuits arranged to monitor the status of a fire alarm and to initiate the appropriate response to the alarm.

    Holdup alarm means a silent security alarm signal generated by the manual activation of a device intended to signal a robbery in progress.

    Monitoring means the process by which a fire and/or security alarm monitoring company receives signals from a fire and/or security alarm system and relays an alarm activation for the purpose of summoning the Fire or Police Department to the alarm site.

    Official response to alarm means a response to an alarm activation where any member of the Fire or Police Department is dispatched to the premises where the alarm has been activated or where any member of the Fire or Police Department learns of the activation of the alarm system, by any means whatsoever, and responds thereto by traveling to that premise. The response ends when the Officer or member has completed his investigation of the incident.

    Panic alarm means a security alarm system signal generated by the manual activation of a device intended to signal a life threatening or emergency situation requiring a response from the Police Department.

    Premises means any building, structure or combination of buildings and structures including the curtilage thereof, which is used for residential, commercial or any other purpose. At the option of the responsible party, outbuildings, or separate or detached buildings may be deemed separate premises' for the purpose of fire or security alarm permits.

    Responsible party means any person, his employees, agents or servants who owns or controls the premises in which an alarm system is installed. By way of example and not limitation, the person who controls is a person who leases, operates, occupies or manages the premises.

    Security or fire alarm malfunction means the activation of any alarm which results in an official response of the Police or Fire Department caused by mechanical failure, malfunction, improper installation or lack of proper maintenance; or any other response for which the Police or Fire Department personnel are unable to gain access to the premises for any reason or are unable to determine the apparent cause of the activation.

    Security alarm permit means a permit issued by the City upon receipt of an applicant's registration information and/or other required forms by the POD prior to issuance.

    Security alarm system means any mechanical, electrical or radio controlled device which is designed to be used for the detection of any unauthorized entry into a building, structure or facility, or for alerting others of the commission of an unlawful act at or within a building, structure or facility, or both, which emits a sound or transmits a signal or message when activated. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, alarm systems shall be deemed to include audible alarms at the site of the installation of the detection device, proprietor alarms, and automatic telephone direct dial devices or digital communicator systems.

    Excluded from the definition of security alarm systems are devices which are designed or used to register alarms that are audible, visible or perceptible, in or attached to any motor vehicle, or auxiliary devices installed by telephone companies to protect telephone systems from damage or disruption of service.

    Takeover means the transaction or process by which a new party takes over control of a premises where there is an existing security or fire alarm system previously controlled by the prior responsible party.

    Verify means an attempt by the security or fire alarm monitoring company to contact the responsible party by telephone and/or other electronic means unless otherwise exempted by State statutes, whether or not actual contact with the responsible party is made, to determine whether an alarm signal is valid before requesting an official response to the alarm, in an attempt to avoid an unnecessary official response. Telephone verification shall require that a second call be made to a different number if the first attempt fails to reach the responsible party who can properly identify themselves to determine whether an alarm signal is valid before requiring an official response to the alarm.

(Code 1973, § 20-29; Code 1992, § 20-147(b); Ord. No. 154-G, § 2(a), 8-4-1994; Ord. No. 228-G, § 1(a), 4-25-1996; Ord. No. 871-G, § 1(b), 1-24-2008; Ord. No. 913-G, § 1, 1-8-2009; Ord. No. 150-H, § 2, 12-18-2014; Ord. No. 209-H, § 1, 12-17-2015)