§ 22-21. Organization; Mayor; rules and regulations.
Pursuant to the authority granted in the Charter and only to the extent granted thereunder, the Mayor shall be in charge of the administrative offices of the City and in charge of the organizational structure of the employee organization and the employees within that structure.
The Mayor shall be responsible for the development of the personnel rules and regulation pursuant to the Charter. The Mayor shall install, implement and be responsible for the administration and management of a personnel management system conforming to the personal rules and regulations.
In furtherance of the Charter requirement that appointments and promotions shall be made solely on the basis of merit and fitness demonstrated by examinations or other evidence of competence, the Mayor is encouraged to include within the personnel rules and regulations specific policies and procedures to govern the following phases of the personnel system:
Announcement of employment vacancies and the acceptance of applications for employment.
Preparation and administration of examination.
Establishment and use of eligibility lists.
Certification of employment of persons from employment eligibility lists to fill vacancies.
Employee performance evaluation system.
Establishment of a probationary period prior to appointment as a classified employee.
Administration of a classification plan.
Administration of pay plan.
Establishment of promotional policies.
Establishment of hours of work, holidays, annual leave, attendance and leave regulations and procedures.
Development of safety and training programs.
Outside employment of municipal employees.
Relations with employee organizations.
Reinstatement and rehiring of former employees.
Separation from employment of employees by resignation, suspension, dismissal, layoff, and/or incapacity to perform required duties.
Establishment of a grievance procedure for classified employees.
Such other matters as may be necessary to carry out the intent and purpose of this article.
Amendments, changes or revisions of the personnel rules and regulations shall be promulgated by the Mayor. Upon enactment, any amendments, changes or revisions shall be forwarded to the City Clerk, City Council, all City departments and others, as appropriate, and be filed with the POD.
(Code 1973, § 22-136; Code 1992, § 22-31)